What’s Your Strategy? (Yes, You Need One)
I was with a family-owned lumber company a couple of weeks ago who reminded me about the importance of strategy. Over the past five years or so, this company positioned themselves to be able to serve production builders (companies that build large subdivisions of similar homes) well because production dominates their marketplace. If they had chosen to continue their focus primarily on custom builders (generally smaller, local companies that build-to-suit), they might not have many customers left.

Thoughts on a Board
One of the best ways to take your business to the next level is to create a board of directors, and yet most companies don’t have one.

Lessons Learned by Chopping into the Family Tree (Yours, not Mine)
I’ve been spending a lot of time recently on OPFP (other people’s family problems), which I have to say is much better than spending time on my own family problems. My interest in families is rooted in business, not psychology or counseling, but it’s hard to do one without the other two.

Brother Gene, Jesus and the Piggly Wiggly
I had a lesson in indignation a couple of weeks ago. I was in a restroom in the Atlanta airport and a guy was smoking in a stall. It was illegal, and it was rude. As he walked out I had a strong impulse to confront him in a holier-than-thou manner.